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Happy Valentine’s Day!

Hello there, dear readers, and happy St. Valentine’s Day!

Since time immemorial, true love has been demonstrated by committing acts of theft as a couple, best captured by James and Anne Bonny or Bonnie and Clyde.  It is fair to say, until you’ve engaged in theft, mayhem, and various other acts of crime, you haven’t really experienced TRUE love… amirite?

Anywho, in that spirit, I bring you an update to a story from a while back, in which your humble blogger passed on the info that Marcus Buckley went down for the fraud scheme pulled off with his insider conspirator – an adjuster!

Well, the news is out now that his partner in crime and, apparently, in love, Kimberly Jones, has now been sentenced to 33 months as well.

Truly, a modern-day Romeo and Juliet story, where the star-crossed lovers are kept apart by the arbitrary and capricious machinations of due process, the rule of law, and basic justice for the victims of their theft scheme.

Today, your humble blogger and his humble readers might bring flowers and chocolate home to their respective significant others, but as sweet as chocolates are, and no matter how fragrant the flowers, these gestures will hardly compare to the thrill of stealing $1.6 million from an insurer, robbing a bank, or even engaging in piracy on the high seas.

Happy Valentine’s Day!

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