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When Falcons Come Home to Roost – More NFL Drama

California is home to an impressive array of professional sports teams.  The list goes on and on of the phalanx formed by the Golden State.  Look on our works, ye Mighty, and despair!  And know this – regardless of what happens on the field, the doom of your team shall be had in our workers’ compensation courts!

Previously, your diligent blogger had occasion to cover that point in space where professional sports and California workers’ compensation intersect.  Naturally – there’s no resolution yet as to how to avoid having California squeeze employers for the alleged injuries of their California-visiting employees.

It appears, however, that the Atlanta Falcons are not going to wait for California to develop her self-restraint:  moving with the National Football League, the Falcons are suing former players to force them to litigate workers’ compensation cases in Georgia rather than in California.

An arbitrator in Georgia, much like an arbitrator in Kansas, held that the players must abandon their California cases and pursue the cases in their employer’s state.  The Falcons and the NFL are suing to get a federal judge to order the players to abide by the arbitration ruling.  The arm of the federal government has grown long indeed if it can reach from Georgia to California.

I guess we’ll have to wait and see what happens – but this may set precedent for non-professional sports cases as well.  Perhaps employment contracts can include clauses requiring workers’ compensation claims to be brought in the employer’s state, and then injuries sustained at conferences and training seminars can be dealt with appropriately.

When WCDefenseCA knows more… so will you.