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Psychologist Goes Down for Fed WC Fraud

Your humble blogger wishes nothing more than to keep his beloved readers well-informed and updated on the goings-on and the happenings of the Workers’ Compensation world.  Accordingly, I bring you the somewhat sad and somewhat strange tale of Dr. Arnold P. Nerenberg, a 72-year-old psychologist who recently plead guilty of defrauding the federal government in workers’ compensation cases.

Dr. Nerenberg tearfully admitted his guilt, claiming he was happy to have been caught rather than continue in his crimes.  As he explained it, he over-billed patients whose costs were covered by the government so he could treat those who could not pay.

For shame, people, we have struck down the modern-day Robin Hood.

Of course, there are people who want to help the poor so they reach into their own pockets, rather than those of the tax-payers.

In any case, it doesn’t look like Dr. Nerenberg is a Qualified Medical Evaluator, but it’s entirely possible he was the treating physician on one of your cases.  So check your bills.

Given Dr. Nerenberg’s sentence of one year of home confinement and electronic monitoring, he might find it difficult to appear as a witness at any lien trials, so strike while the iron is hot!

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