Home > Uncategorized > AB 305 Dies on the Vine – Apportionment to Pregnancy to Continue

AB 305 Dies on the Vine – Apportionment to Pregnancy to Continue

Hello, dear readers!

Your humble blogger loves few things more than to bring good news to his fellow members of the workers’ compensation community, and today is one of those days.

Governor Brown has declined to sign Assembly Bill 305, which would have barred the workers’ compensation system from apportioning permanent disability to various physical conditions such as pregnancy and menopause.

“[T]his bill is based on a misunderstanding of the American Medical Association’s evidence-based standard, which is the foundation of the permanent disability ratings, and replaces it with an ill-defined and unscientific standard.”

This is a good thing, dear readers.  Don’t get me wrong – in your humble blogger’s ideal world, no one would ever get hurt.  But chipping away at apportionment is not the way to keep our state afloat, and it’s not the way to help employers keep California’s economy going.

Ultimately, this bill highlights a truth that we all know too well – life isn’t fair.  So, who is going to bear the burden of the unfairness?  The bill would shift the burden to the employer, and from where your humble blogger sits, the California employer has been burdened enough.

Kudos to you, Governor Brown.

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