Big Announcement from the Humble Blogger!

Welcome to May, dear readers, and your humble blogger has some news for you.  It’s not crazy news like “Supreme Court Rules All Apportionment Unconstitutional” and it’s not particularly useful news like “did you know about this regulation that allows you to pay temporary disability benefits in Doll Hairs instead of Dollars?”  But it’s news none the less!

After three years with the firm of Gale Sutow and Associates, your humble blogger is moving on to become the managing partner of Tobin Lucks LLP – Northern California!  Tobin Lucks has spent the last 40 years defending employers and insurers in California and your humble blogger hopes to add his energy to those efforts!

I would like to take this time to thank all the fine people of Gale Sutow and Associates for a wonderful experience to practice law and learn and grow. 

I am also very excited to contribute to the excellent service and zealous advocacy Tobin Lucks offers our clients. 

Your humble blogger’s new contact information is ggrinberg [at] and 818-226-3400.

5 thoughts on “Big Announcement from the Humble Blogger!

  1. Greg

    Felicitations on your move, and good wishes for your new position.

    Tobin Lucks has the best reputation in the game.
    I know you are off to the races.

    Best regards,

    Jerry Grainger

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