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Hearing Representative Misses Again

Things don’t seem to be going too well for a certain hearing representative struggling to retain the privilege of appearing before the Workers’ Compensation Appeals Board.  A recent en banc opinion dismissed his petition for reconsideration.

Previously, this blog noted the gears starting to turn in this matter, when the WCAB gave notice that it “may suspend or remove” his privileges.  Having no-doubt consulted the “kitchen sink” book of arguments, this hearing representative contended, among other notions, that the whole WCAB is unconstitutional.

The WCAB reminded the hearing representative that reconsideration is only an appropriate remedy when there is a final order (as my readers are well aware) which there had not been.  The WCAB also noted that the petition was not timely, having been filed more than 25 days after the September notice of hearing.  Filing untimely petitions is one of the allegations against this hearing representative.

Is something happening in California?  Governor Brown vetoes anti-employer legislation, the Court of Appeal allows a malicious prosecution case to go forward against an applicant’s attorney, the Supreme Court lands right on COLA… is this the start of a new trend?

Your beloved blogger is too much of a cynic to think so… and time may yet rain on this proverbial employer’s parade.  But one thing appears certain: California’s businesses, though abused and slandered up and down the state, still have some fighting spirit in them and, at least for now, that spirit is shining through.

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