Home > Uncategorized > Mileage Rate Reimbursement Decreases to $0.56 per mile for 2014

Mileage Rate Reimbursement Decreases to $0.56 per mile for 2014

December 16th, 2013

Your humble blogger welcomes you back from your weekend with this humble post.  As 2014 irresistibly approaches, and time refuses to stand still, taking with it our youth and giving us by way of trade closer deadlines, we should not be caught unawares of the new mileage reimbursement rate for injured workers.

The IRS has announced that the mileage reimbursement rate for 2014 will be 56 cents (down from 56.5 cents for 2013).  This means that injured workers (and attorneys) can claim half a cent less per mile traveled.

It might not seem like much, but, as we learned from Superman and Office Space, fractions of cents add up over time.

In any case, be prepared to amend your reimbursement procedures, because you can bet that everyone who can will try to get that half-cent from you come 2014!

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