G&G Interpreting Services Charged with Fraud Scheme

Happy Friday, dear readers!

Well… you made it. One week back and you did it!

But, I’m guessing you’ve had some difficulty with your interpreter liens… perhaps from a certain company called G&G Interpreting?

According to InsuranceJournal nine people were arrested relating to interpreter fraud by G&G Interpreting Services, which allegedly billed almost $25 million for services not provided or that were not necessary.   Among the alleged offenses were billing for services not necessary at clinics where the staff and physicians were fluent in Spanish; billing more than 12 hour days (for clinics not even open for twelve hours); and (this one is my favorite) interpreter services were billed for an interpreter actually incarcerated in state prison during the period of alleged services provided.

Can you imagine? An interpreter so dedicated as to use her phone call privileges from prison to call and interpret for injured workers over speakerphone.

There is a long list of defenses to interpreter bills, ranging from necessity to certification to whether the services were actually provided.

Hopefully our friends down in Southern California can get some of their money back, but, in the meantime, let’s let this serve as a reminder that 2016 is going to be the year of vigilance.

Have a great weekend!

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