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Happy Memorial Day 2016!

Happy Monday, dear readers, and a very happy Memorial Day 2016!

As your humble blogger sits at his desk, slaving away to make sure benefits remain denied and, in so doing, that justice remains undisturbed, here’s hoping that my beloved readers, from the chattiest subscribers to the quietest lurkers, get to enjoy rest, BBQ, and maybe a bit of shopping (does anyone still visit the brick-and-mortar stores?)

In the meantime, though, please recall that today is a holiday, and most due-dates that would have fallen on today are likely extended until tomorrow.

Now, if you’re still reading, in the spirit of the holiday, may I bring to your attention that Memorial Day exists specifically to honor those who have given their lives in the services of America’s Armed Forces?  To that end… have you heard of the American Institute of Philanthropy?

The AIP provides review and rating information, basically calculating how much of a charitable donation goes to “overhead” and how much goes to provide goods or services for the stated beneficiaries.

There are several veteran and military services listed to which the AIP has given a B+ or higher… perhaps it might make sense to take a look?

In any case, dear readers, I hope your Memorial Day is spent restfully and meaningfully – tomorrow the grind begins again.

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