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Happy (Early) Thanksgiving!

Happy Friday dear readers!

As the Thanksgiving festivities are coming up, your humble blogger, ever the wise and learned counselor, reminds you to buy a turkey NOW before it’s too late!

In any case, as it appears a growing number of people are taking all or most of next week off, I wish you a restful Thanksgiving, one that is detached enough from our daily labors and trials to allow reflection for how much worse things could really be, and how fortunate we all are to have what we have.

Despite our daily protestations of the cruel burdens the workers’ comp system places on employer and employee alike (and, let us not forget that most tragic of victim — the workers’ compensation attorney), overall, things are pretty good, and the fact that they might be better in no way dulls the fact that they could be far worse.

All the best, from your most humble of bloggers!thanksgiving3

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  1. Sapna Singh
    November 17th, 2017 at 10:23 | #1

    Happy holidays and good tidings to all! Tough times for many around us and in the world, share what you can, give what you can!

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