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LAPD Civilian Employee Charged with WC Fraud

Alrighty dear readers – another weekend down and another week is up.  Are you ready?

Now, come on, don’t be like that – before you know it retirement will be knocking on your door, and you’ll get to grumble about not getting to come into work anymore.

As the old song goes… enjoy yourself, enjoy yourself, it’s later than you think.

But, what if there were a way to combine the best parts of work and retirement?  Well, one retired LAPD Civilian Employee tried to do just that and is now facing charges for felony insurance fraud.

A certain criminal defendant, who remains nameless because there is no conviction, retired from his job with the LAPD, but an investigation revealed that he was not only exaggerating the extent of his disability, but also had secondary employment, all while (allegedly) receiving temporary disability benefits.

I think we’ll get more details about what happened, specifically, as time goes on.  We might also get some tips of how the alleged fraud was discovered.

In the meantime, we should all be reminded that we must remain constantly vigilant to make sure applicants are not getting benefits without justification – no matter how noble of a profession or calling the applicant had at the time of injury.

Now, back at it, dear readers!

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