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San Diego Sheriff’s Deputy Sentenced in WC Fraud Case

Happy Monday, dear readers!

Normally, your humble blogger is jumping for joy when a workers’ compensation fraudster is convicted and/or sentenced.  However, when certain public servants, such as law enforcement officers, are exposed as frauds, the feeling of victory quickly turns to ash.

That is the case of former San Diego Sheriff’s Deputy Matthew Tobolsky, who, earlier this month, was sentenced for his fraudulent workers’ compensation claim.  Convict Tobolsky filed two claims against the County of San Diego Sheriff Department, one as a CT and one as a specific.

However, the facts emerged that convict Tobolsky was video-taped at the gym lifting heavy weights while claiming he was too disabled even for light duty.  He was sentenced to three years of probation and 180 days in a work furlough program.

The county is set to seek restitution for over $80,000 in benefits paid.

I know I’ve made this point before on this wonderful web publication, but it warrants making the point again – the damage done is not just in the form of money.  Every conviction which resulted from testimony or documentation by convict Tobolsky can now be challenged and retried.

Imagine if every claim closed in the last six years suddenly sprang open and had to be retried, with a budget and resource pool that’s already at the limit from this year’s cases.

Imagine the impact on every rightful prosecution or arrest when law enforcement officers have yet another stain on their reputation by this conduct of a former deputy.

For that reason, your humble blogger cannot trumpet this conviction as a victory, as it is only a mitigation of a much greater loss.

And on that cheerful note, dear readers – let’s get back to it!

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