Happy Labor Day 2018!

Happy Monday, dear readers!

Your humble blogger is busy as always, helping benefits find their true identity: denied.

But, it is understandable that many of you on the other side of the computer screen aren’t today.  After all, Labor Day comes upon is just once a year, and this celebration of the contributions of the Labor Movement to the United States is, like so many other holidays, filled with sales and shopping (which, of course, means that retail employees don’t get the day off).

In any case, if you’re not taking the day off to shop or meditate on the results of the Labor Movement, then there’s a good chance you might be working today, so I thought I’d offer some friendly reminders.

Labor Day is a Holiday both under the California Rules of Court and as a State Holiday (see California Government Code section 6700).  Accordingly, as per California Rules of Court section 1.10(b), if the last day to perform any task was today, then the period is extended to the next day that isn’t a holiday, or Tuesday, September 4, 2018.

If you were planning on requesting a panel online as per Labor Code section 4062.2, the first day to request a panel is “[n]o earlier than the first working day that is at least 10 days after the date of mailing of a [4060/4061/4062 triggering document]” and that first working day should not be Monday, September 3, but rather Tuesday September 4, 2018.  Therefore, you may consider adjusting your plans to request a panel accordingly (and don’t forget the 5 days for mailing).

In any case your humble blogger hopes you do find some time to escape the sweet agony that is workers’ compensation, and if not for a full day then at least for some part of it.

Happy Labor Day!

Every Day is Labor Day Meme

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