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Happy Veterans Day 2018!

Hello there, dear readers, and happy Monday!

Your humble blogger has been out traveling lately and so has been more slacker than humble, but returns to you again, tapping once more that endless font of forgiveness and grace that allows me to continue to infect your inboxes with my misguided and ill-informed rants.

Today, however, I would like to draw your attention to something other than, and even more than, workers’ compensation.

Today I join in the chorus to thank veterans for their service and sacrifice.  Aside from recognizing this particular day, yesterday, November 11, 2018, saw the 100 year commemoration of Armistice Day, the end of World War I.

On June 28, 1914, Archduke Franz Ferdinand’s driver took a wrong turn and, as he stopped to back his car up and resume the correct route, Gavrilo Princip, a Yugoslav nationalist, stepped forward and fatally shot the Archduke.

What followed was a series of interlocking alliances and balance-of-power theory leading to all-out war and ending on November 11, 1918 with an estimated 40 million dead.

What horrid consequences can follow the smallest of events.

Take time, dear readers, to thank veterans where you can and remember those who are not around to receive your thanks.  Tomorrow, we will all resume our regular toils of arguing over vouchers and litigating whether the TTD rate should be $323 or $343 per week.   I promise you – those disputes are not going anywhere.

Also, for the folks keeping score at home, just a friendly reminder that today is a Court holiday.

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