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Dr. Benjamin Cox Convicted of WC Fraud Billing

Happy Wednesday dear readers!

Your humble blogger was a big fan of the show Scrubs when it was on the air (and now, in DVD form!).  The show ran for eight glorious seasons and then 1 disastrous thing which we should all agree right now has nothing to do with the original show.

One of the most loveable characters on there was Perry Cox, M.D., expertly portrayed by actor John C. McGinley, who brought to life a cranky but competent physician that earned the trust of his colleagues and patients.

Well, the name of this fictional physician was sullied not to long about by a different Dr. Cox.  Benjamin G. Cox, M.D., was convicted in October, 2018 by a jury of his peers.  The District Attorney had alleged he was conducting exams and writing reports despite not being a QME (having an expired QME Certificate) and submitting bills for cases without disputes.

About $90k in bills were associated with fraudulent activities that the insurers (and, ultimately, the policy holders) had to deal with.

If you’ve got any bills from a Dr. Benjamin Cox, put that checkbook down, as you may want to see when he’s sentenced.

In the meantime, I urge John McGinley, (who, in all fairness, is unlikely to be a particularly avid reader of this blog) to seek damages against the now-convicted Dr. Cox for the damage done to everyone’s favorite Dr. Perry Cox and his fictional reputation.

Straight on to Friday, dear readers!


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