Happy MLK Day 2019!

And a good day to you dear readers!

As you likely know, today is a memorial day for Martin Luther King Junior, and, as such, many offices and government buildings tend to be closed.  If you are ever wondering if a given day is a state holiday such that would call for the closure of the WCAB you can always check this link.

As always California rules of court provide that if today would otherwise be the last day to do anything in particular the party required to act would receive an additional day.  So if you have been procrastinating, today really is your lucky day because you can turn in your homework tomorrow.

Additionally, if you were going to request a panel, today, as a holiday, should serve to kick your request forward one more day.

Now, as always, rain or shine, weekday or weekend, holiday or not, your humble blogger is slaving away to ensure that not one extra aspirin nor a single unnecessary box of tissues is paid for by the persecuted and oft hounded defendants in this wonderful world we call California Workers’ Compensation.

But don’t pack your bags for my little guilt trip just yet – if you have the chance to take today off I certainly hope you take it.  Lord knows the first three weeks of 2019 have fallen far short of a pleasure cruise.

Your humble blogger will see you here bright and early on Wednesday.

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