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Agents Allegedly Peddling Fake WC Policies Arrested!

Hey there dear readers… quick question for you.  You didn’t happen to buy your workers’ compensation insurance from Wesley Owens or Beau Wilson?  These two… gentlemen… are alleged to have sold insurance policies to the tune of millions.  They gave out fraudulent certificates to various businesses and then paid off claims from the policies themselves (allegedly).

Once the scheme collapsed the gentlemen are claimed to have pocketed $60 million and left both injured workers and their victim-businesses in the cold without any insurance coverage.

Your humble blogger urges you to be wary of free advice, dear readers, but here is some for you in any case: check if that workers’ compensation policy is valid.  I have represented several (allegedly) uninsured employers and… well… if you think the deck is stacked against INSURED employers, wait till you see what it’s like when there’s no insurance company in your corner!

Applicant attorneys often cite the evil employers who operate without insurance, engage in wage theft, or operate unsafely.  Well employers, especially in California, are victims of fraud on two sides – from the fraudulent claims, whether as to mechanism or extent, ramping up their insurance rates, and from predatory agents selling phantom insurance policies and then leaving the employers exposed.

 Good luck dear readers – I hope your workers’ comp policy is a real one!

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