SAWW Increase for TD in 2020

Happy Wednesday, dear readers!

Since we just rolled into October, I thought I should ask… do you have any plans for New Years? 

Well, if you’re looking for something to do, how about updating the TD rates?  As we all know, temporary disability benefits in California are tied to the State Average Weekly Wage increases to give us our minimum and maximum, as per Labor Code section 4453(a)(10).  According to the Department of Industrial Relations, effective January 1, 2020, the TTD minimum rate will go up by 3.84%, bringing us from $187.71 to $194.91; the maximum will go from $1,251.38 to $1,299.43 per week.

If you’re paying out a life pension, you may want to adjuster accordingly as well.

So, your humble blogger’s advice is to set yourself a calendar reminder on our Outlook or Google Calendar for 1/1/2020 so you don’t miss the increase, and then turn your attention back to surviving 2019. 

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