Happy Veterans Day 2019!

Alright, beloved readers, it’s Monday and it’s Veteran’s day.  What are you doing at work?

Well, although it’s a court holiday, and it’s a federal holiday as well, it’s not recognized by every employer in the land, so often enough veterans are stuck working today.

But, since we’re all here and reading this blog post, I wanted to make a recommendation if you are inclined to open your pockets for a charity.  Your humble blogger’s friend, A.K., a veteran himself, has urged that I direct the attention of my astute and discerning readers to the Gary Sinise Foundation

The Gary Sinise Foundation, much like the Fisher House, focuses on families of veterans as well as the veterans themselves.  Recently the Foundation made it into the news by bringing almost 2000 Gold Star Families to Disneyland.

If you’re looking for an organization to donate to this Veteran’s Day, consider the Gary Sinise Foundation.  It’s a small way to move towards tackling the Herculean task of being a nation that takes care of its veterans.

As for your humble blogger, you can count on me polluting your in-box on Wednesday with more of my misguided, ill-informed, and unforgivable musings on plying our beloved trade.

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