Happy Veterans Day 2020!

It’s Wednesday, my beloved readers!  But, on top of that, it’s not just any Wednesday, because it is Veterans Day!

In 1919, President Woodrow Wilson announced the first Veterans day to thank our brave soldiers for their service and sacrifice.  This is one of those American traditions that your humble blogger very much supports and admires.*

Please remember, dear reader, that aside from being a cultural holiday in which we thank and celebrate our veterans, this day is also a legal holiday, as contemplated by the Rules of Court.  As per California Rules of Court section 1.10(b), “if the last day for the performance of any action that is required by these rules to be performed within a specific period of time falls on a Saturday, Sunday, or other legal holiday, the period is extended to and includes the next day that is not a holiday.”

Your humble blogger wishes his beloved readers a very happy Veterans Day, and may we re-convene tomorrow and get back to the work of denying benefits!

*In case my readers are wondering, the number one American tradition or rather cultural phenomenon that I am finding to be disturbing and of which I disapprove of whole-heartedly is the constant need to remake old movies.  Jeeze louise guys, let’s have something original.  Do we really need a 27th sequel to Fast and Furious or a fourth reboot of Dirty Dancing (in this one, Johnny is played by a goldfish with a traumatic past!)?

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