23-year-old Worker Charged w/ WC Fraud

Well, dear readers, it is time, once again, to be reminded that fraud continues to haunt or beloved swamp of workers’ compensation.

A landscape worker was arraigned on felony insurance charges related to exaggerating his subjective symptoms.  Sub rosa video tape caught him exceeding his limitations – although he claimed to physicians to need a cane or crutches at all times, he was videotaped engaged in activities without either of these assistive devices. As alleged, some $42,000 in workers’ compensation benefits were falsely obtained.

As is usual, this humble blogger does not publish a name for accusations… only convictions, and there’s none of that just yet.

The interesting aspect to this case is, of course, that the investigation began in April of 2020, which would have been during California’s COVID19 related lockdown, which made sub rosa footage particularly  hard to obtain. 

Your humble blogger hopes justice is served and the truth comes out, and also hopes that this reminds us to be alert to the subjective complaints that don’t seem to pass the “smell test” and take the initiative to investigate beyond the “injured” worker’s reporting.

Straight on till next time, dear readers!

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