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Rice Grader Goes Down for WC Fraud

A little-known fact about your humble blogger, dear readers, is that for a short part of my law school career, I studied how to grow rice.  I was the best, though no one knew it.  My rice was the riciest rice that ever riced.  However, when I submitted my rice for inspection in our law school rice growing class, the totally biased and unfair rice grader gave my rice an F.  Since the day of that totally true story that absolutely happened and is not just a ludicrous introduction to a blog post, I have always looked for justice being visited upon rice graders.  Well, at long last…

Brooke Gomez of Maxwell, California, a rice grader (see how I set that up?) has plead no contest to a misdemeanor fraud charge and was sentenced to 12 months of probation and ordered to pay restitution to her employer.

Convict-Gomez sustained an admitted injury, but co-workers reported her working as a bartender.  Meanwhile, she was collecting temporary disability benefits. 

The reports lead to eventual undercover investigators observing applicant serving drinks and counting money, as well as wiping down the bar.  In a twist worthy of a sit-com TV show, applicant discussed with patrons her pending workers’ compensation case and her hopes that she would not be discovered while working!

Fortunately, the other employees did the right thing and reported the fraud.  Fortunately, the case was picked up by the prosecution and brought to a plea of no contest.  Unfortunately, not all fraud is detected or even punished.

Although the criminal-defendant will have to make restitution, 12-month probation is hardly a deterrent for future similar activity.  At best, her next workers’ compensation claim will receive considerable scrutiny given her history.  Here’s hoping, at least!

Till next time, dear readers!

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