Hospital Presumptions Bill Pronounced Dead

Happy Friday, dear readers!  While it is certainly a rare enough thing for your humble blogger to deliver good news, this is one of those cases.  Back in March your humble blogger added his voice to the chorus raising the alarm on Senate Bill 213, which would have raised the cost of healthcare in California even further by creating a presumption of industrial causation for a whole host of conditions visited upon most people, even those that happen to be employed by hospitals.

Well, the good news is that it looks like bill got voted down on the third of this month.

Almost certainly, there will be further attempts to shift more and more of the burden onto employers with further legislative action in the future.  In the meantime though, California’s employers need to continue being vigilant.  There is much by way of proposed legislation snaking its way through to becoming law that will increase costs for employers. 

Your humble blogger, for example, is watching Senate Bill 335 which would increase pre-denial medical treatment liability to $17,000 and reduce the investigation period in most cases from 90 days to 45 days or even 30 days in some cases.

In any case, dear readers, here’s hoping your Friday is an easy one, your weekend is one of peace, and your next week is better than the one that came before it.

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