MRI CEO Convicted! Time to Check Your Bills and Liens

It’s Wednesday, dear readers! Your humble blogger is here and at your service, as always.

Many a reader might recall a blog post back from 2018 about Mr. Sam Solakyan, who was accused of a fairly large workers’ compensation fraud scheme involving several imaging facilities.  Well, the Department of Justice has announced that Mr. Solakyan has been found guilty of conspiracy to commit honest services mail fraud and health care fraud, and 11 counts of honest services mail fraud. 

Mr. Solakyan was accused of paying bribes and conducting cross-referrals for doctors who referred patients to his various facilities in California for imaging.  Sentencing is set for October 4, 2021, but, of course, everyone should certainly check their stack of liens and unpaid imaging bills.

Bills from San Diego MRI Institute (showing about 200 liens on EAMS) and Vital Imaging, Inc. (showing about 13 liens on EAMS) should be looked at closely. 

Remember, dear readers, to take a good look at Labor Code section 139.21 about exploring a dismissal of the lien or a basis to reject a bill, particularly in light of this conviction.

Happy hunting, dear readers!

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