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Santa Rosa Fraudster Pleads Guilty

Welcome to December, dear readers!  We’re finally in the last stretch of 2021! 

And what better way to start December than to relate the story of another workers’ compensation fraud conviction? 

Douglas Satre of Santa Rosa slipped up when he allegedly suffered a slip-and-fall injury (see what I did there?) in the bathroom of a telecom company before seeking workers’ comp benefits and receiving TD and treatment through the system.  An investigation revealed he was working for another employer while collecting TD benefits and, apparently, exaggerating his symptoms to his physicians.

Now-convict Satre plead guilty and was ordered to pay $14,000 in restitution, fines, 30 days in jail, probation, and community service.

Your humble blogger sends his salute not only to the investigators and prosecutors who brought this conviction home, but, doubtless, the sharp and diligence claims adjuster who took the initiative to investigate the claim and find evidence of the side-job.

We should all be vigilant.  When symptoms are not improving as expecting, something isn’t right.  A lot of the time that just means nothing more than the body is not recovering as fast as others.  But sometimes it means that the symptoms are exaggerated and something nefarious is afoot.  At those times, it’s important to take action and reveal the fraud.

Onwards and upwards, dear readers!

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