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A special, unscheduled blog post!

Hey there, my beloved readers! You might be asking yourself why, oh, why, your humble blogger is invading your in-box on Tuesday, when you are normally free from my incessant blog posts.

Well, the reason why is because I am so very pleased to announce that your humble blogger was a guest on Candid Conversations with Adam Lopez. So, if you’ve found yourself cursing your bad luck that you haven’t had a chance to hear the humble blogger present at a conference or your claims office, now’s your chance to see the legendary bow tie in action.

Adam Lopez is a fantastic interviewer and all around great guy to hang out with, so going on his show was nothing short of a delight.

And with that, dear readers, i will leave you to the rest of our day, eagerly awaiting Wednesday’s blog post to hit your in-box.

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