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Remembering 9/11 in 2022

Your humble blogger trusts that you will forgive him for, once again, invading your inbox in this unscheduled way, dear readers, but the solemnity of the day requires it.

On September 11, 2001, as your humble blogger was getting ready for another ordinary day as a high school senior in San Francisco, as countless other Americans were going about their ordinary days, carefully planning out their 1, 5, and 10-year plans, vicious terrorists intent on murdering Americans boarded planes and prepared to execute a horrific assault that would bring to mind images of Pearl Harbor.

Thousands of our countrymen were murdered in the World Trade Center towers, the airplanes used to deliver the blows, and the Pentagon.  Countless more would die in the years following, from injuries, physical and psychological, chemical exposures, and clean-up efforts.

The only silver lining that came from these evil acts was the fact that Americans, once again, shined brightly as brave and valorous.  Heroic police and firefighters, rescue personnel and volunteers, all worked tirelessly to try to save survivors in the rubble and evacuate the injured.  Blood banks had never seen so many donors come forth ready to give whatever was needed to help save lives.

And, of course, the courage of the passengers on UA 93, who rammed the cockpit and prevented even more deaths by denying the terrorists their intended target, will likewise never be forgotten.

We all said on that day in 2001 that we will never forget, and we never have.

Please indulge your humble blogger by granting a small favor: take some few minutes today to reflect on that evil, evil time more than 20 years ago.  Remember where you were, remember how you felt, and remember to tell those that may not have been around on that day what it was like.

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