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California Doctor Pleads Guilty to Fraud

How does it feel, dear readers? You made it to the first Friday of 2023. So far, the world appears to have remained intact, which is a welcome surprise for your humble blogger. What better way is there to end the first week of the new year, than a story about workers’ comp fraud?

Randy Rosen, who ran Wellness Wave in Beverly Hills has plead guilty to submitting fraudulent insurance claims. According to the Mercury News, Mr. Rosen’s girlfriend, Ms. Liza Vismanos, owned Lotus Laboratories and engaged in similar activities, pleading guilty to insurance fraud.

So if you have any liens or bills outstanding from either of these organizations, now might be a good time to consider what impact the guilty pleas have on the likelihood of the lien claimants prevailing at trial.

It should also serve as a reminder for us all that we must be diligent in looking out for, reporting, and prosecuting fraud.

Until next time, dear readers!

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