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Michigan Timidly Tries to Curb California

Early on in my blogging career, I wrote about Florida’s efforts to curb California’s pillaging of orange groves and Dolphin teams with our very own section 5500.5.

I even had the distinct privilege of summarizing the workers’ compensation issues on Lockout Lowdown, an excellent sports law blog.

It appears that several states may follow Florida’s lead, among them Michigan, although clearly not as boldly and with a fraction of the effect.  A recent article reports that unsurprising support of the Detroit Lions for HB 5002, the Michigan workers’ compensation reform bill.

The bill locks visiting players out of Michigan’s workers’ compensation system if their state makes reciprocal arrangements for Michigan’s players.

In other words, the legislature in Michigan is telling the legislatures of other states: pass similar laws or we’ll loot your professional sports teams.

Here’s the problem with Michigan’s scheme: California doesn’t appear to care very much about its businesses, sports teams included, so the 49ers, the Giants, etc. are more of the human shield variety for Michigan and the like.  Also, no other state has as crippling generous workers’ compensation benefits as California, so more pillaging will be done from this state than from any other.

In any case, I salute Michigan for heading in the right direction – I don’t want non-Californians clogging up my venues with non-California cases because of a single game played in the Golden State.

As we watch the events unfold before us, dear readers, remember to keep calm and carry on.

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