
Posts Tagged ‘Asbestos’

Cal. Supreme Court Rejects See’s Candies Case

April 22nd, 2022 No comments

Happy Friday, dear readers!

As we head into the weekend, your humble blogger brings you a brief update on the See’s Candy case.  As my beloved readers will recall, in the matter of Ek v. See’s Candies, the Court of Appeal held that plaintiff-widower can proceed in a civil tort action against her employer on a theory that her employer’s negligence caused her to transmit COVID19 to her husband, resulting in his death.

As yet another shameless plug, dear readers, if you missed the webinar on this issue drop me a line about reviewing the recorded version.

Anywho, all eyes were on the Supreme Court to see if there would be a new floodgate of asbestos-like litigation with employers researching the family tree and domestic living situation of every employee to test positive for COVID19.

Earlier this week, the California Supreme Court declined to review the decision, meaning that the case can proceed rather than being dismissed outright.

And here we are dear readers – your humble blogger’s suggestions stand regarding calling for an increased level of cooperation between workers’ compensation defense teams and civil liability defense teams to make sure the defense of one case does not prejudice the defense of the other.

Have a great weekend!