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Gov. Vetoes AB479; Calls for More Study

Hello dear readers!

A happy Monday to you indeed, as the good news keeps on coming.

Earlier last week, Governor Brown issued a veto for AB479.  As my beloved readers will recall, AB479 would have created more instruction for rating impairment related to breast cancer and redlined various factors that could have been considered for apportionment.

Governor Brown vetoed AB479, calling for more empirical research and offered some questions for consideration:

  1. Do the standards for determining impairment due to occupational injury or illness accurately reflect the level of impairment caused by industrial cancer?
  2. Study and compare the differences between the fifth and sixth editions of the AMA Guides with respect to determining impairment resulting from industrial cancer.
  3. Do the standards for determining impairment resulting from industrial cancer exhibit bias based on immutable characteristics such as gender, race, or ethnicity?

For now, at least, it looks like the status quo will hold.  But, that being said, Governor Brown’s time in office is limited.  Will the next Governor continue to veto such bills?

Only time will tell, dear readers!

In the meantime, today marks the start of what is now being referred to colloquially as “spooky month” which will be followed by “turkey month” before we finally arrive at “Santa month.”  So happy ghost-turkey-santa?  The cultural norms of month nomenclature falls well outside the scope of my expertise, so I defer to you.

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