Home > Uncategorized > Venkat Aachi, M.D., goes down for Fraud!

Venkat Aachi, M.D., goes down for Fraud!

Pop quiz, dear readers!  If you experience pain, what’s the first word that comes to mind?  If you said “ouchie” then… well… ok, a little childish but sure, you are correct.  If you said “Aachi!” as in… Venkat Aachi, M.D., well then you… are… WRONG.

Dr. Aachi, a San Jose area QME, has recently plead guilty to for unlawfully prescribing painkillers.  He distributed hydrocodone outside the scope of his “professional practice and without a legitimate medical need.”

So check your files right now dear readers – is he a PTP? Is he a QME? Time to start the process of getting a replacement.

While you are at it, why not check your MPN?  If Dr. Aachi’s name shows up it’s time to contact the MPN coordinator too.

Finally, there may be some outstanding bills for services rendered from Dr. Aachi as well.  I would respect some consideration be given to seeing those demands for payment through the lens of “the guy wanting me to pay him just plead guilty to a bunch of crimes and faces serious prison time.”

In the immortal words of Queen – another one bites the dust.

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