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Happy Presidents’ Day everyone!

Originally [George] Washington’s Birthday, president’s day celebrates all the presidents of These United States.  Aside from being a federal holiday, Presidents’ day is also a state holiday, which of course means that any filing deadlines that would fall on today would be pushed back to the next business day, or Tuesday, February 16.

Your humble blogger submits to you that while we absolutely should continue to have a Presidents’ Day holiday, the WCAB community would benefit greatly from a different holiday, called Precedents Day, where we celebrate such notions as stare decisis, and the benefits of order rather than novel law and interpretation created in the halls of the judiciary.  Unlikely, I know, but your humble blogger can dream – both about the veneration of prior decisions as well as the possibility of yet another state holiday.  One day…

In any case, your humble blogger wishes you a happy and restful holiday and hopes you return healthy and rejuvenated for more of the same in the workers’ compensation system.


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