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Happy Rosh Hashanah and Labor Day!

Hey there dear readers! 

Your humble blogger wishes all of his beloved readers a happy Shanah Tovah!  May this be a sweet year for you and yours and may all the horrors of this pandemic soon appear behind us.  May your apples be dripping with honey.

Also, a very happy Labor Day to one and all.  Please remember, dear readers, that as Labor Day is a state holiday, aside from the Boards being closed, if the last day to perform any act falls on a holiday, such as today, the deadline is extended by one day to tomorrow, Tuesday.

Finally, dear readers, if you happen to be attending the Workers’ Compensation & Risk Conference in Dana Point this week, I hope you will stop by and say hello.  Your humble blogger will be presenting on Wednesday and will be around for the conference to boot.  Hope to see you there!

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