DIR Extends QME COVID Regs Another 30 Days

 Greetings readers and happy Wednesday!

Are we all planning on attending the ZOOM public hearing regarding proposed changes to the WCAB regulations?  Rumor has it that the news regarding returning to the Boards for in-person trials is going to be discussed as well.

Buuuuut, that’s not what your humble blogger is blogging about just at this moment.  There is actually some other news that merits our attention as well.  A little while ago the Department of Industrial Relations announced that the emergency regulations regarding virtual QME evaluations set to expire on October 12, 2021, are to be extended for an additional 90 days

From your humble blogger’s own, in-the-trenches on-the-ground anecdotal experience, most QMEs on my files are seeing applicants in person.  There are a few evaluators that are only doing virtual exams, but that often means seeking a replacement if the injury is orthopedic in nature. 

The situation is a tricky one of course, while we are dealing with the delta variant and several other Greek letters to follow, California reportedly has the lowest transmission rate in the United States.

From your humble blogger’s perspective, it certainly seems confusing that the QME evaluations would continue to incline towards virtual while the trials would edge towards going in person.  

Perhaps this is a good time to try my idea of having 100% of all work done by robots while we all live like kings in our automated palaces.  Sadly, every time I bring this suggestion up I’m peppered with all sorts of pessimistic questions like “how would we pay for that?” “you know that none of that is possible, right?” and “Sir, are you aware that the restraining order is still in effect?”  Some people just won’t listen to good ideas…

See you at the public hearing on Friday, dear readers!

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