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Happy Veterans Day 2021!

Hey there dear readers and happy Thursday! 

I know, I know, you usually don’t see a blog post from your humble blogger on Thursday, but today is a must.  Why?

It’s because today is Veterans Day!  So, WCDefenseCA wishes a happy Veterans Day to all of America’s finest and a very deep thank you for your service.  For all the practitioners out there, Veterans Day is a California Holiday, so any deadline or duty that falls on November 11 will be extended to November 12.

Since we’re on the topic of veterans and ways to say thank you for their service, here’s something to consider.  Veterans, especially combat veterans, return home with all sorts of injuries.  After the parades and ribbons comes the day-to-day life which can be challenging or appear almost impossible for those that has suffered in mind and body in the service of their country.

There are several organizations that can help, but they all need help themselves, whether through volunteering or through donations.  One such organization is Operation Surf, which uses water and surfing instruction and exposure to help veterans suffering through their injuries.

If you have it within your means to donate time or money to this organization in honor of Veterans Day, your humble blogger will think the world of you if you do.

Happy Veterans Day, dear readers!

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