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Psychiatrist Goes Down for WC Fraud

Happy Monday, dear readers, and, perhaps more importantly, happy Valentines’ Day!

For those of you brooding this Valentines’ day, frustrated with a broken heart or an evil ex, perhaps your humble blogger can brighten your day with a story of justice being done?

Here we are again and your humble blogger wants you to check your files for the name of George Demetrius Karalis.

Who is Dr. Karalis?  Well, he’s the latest exhibit in your humble blogger’s case for why we must be suspicious and thorough of every player in workers’ compensation, even the doctors.

Karalis was a psychiatrist in San Francisco who recently plead guilty to workers’ compensation fraud and ordered to pay $1.4 million in restitution and serve 120 days in jail.  As alleged, he coached federal workers’ compensation claimants on what to say in order to get benefits to which they were not entitled.

Although the discovered fraud pertained primarily to federal employees, it might be worth it to check to see if any of your treatment reports or liens or even AME reports are based on his opinions. 

So, dear readers, are you keeping an eye on your repeat-player med-legal and treating physicians?  Are there parts of the report that you could swear are copy-pastes of other reports?  Do your claimants go into their visit one way and come out with completely new symptoms and complaints?  These are akin to a Soviet military parade – lots of red flags!

Perhaps noticing such patterns is a good reason to investigate further.

Straight on till Wednesday, dear readers!

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