Happy Presidents’ Day!

Happy Monday, dear readers, and happy Presidents’ Day!

What originally started out as a day to honor the birthday of the American Cincinnatus eventually evolved into Presidents’ day.  In California, Presidents’ Day is a holiday according to the Rules of Court as well as Government Code 6700, which, for some reason, doesn’t refer to it as “Presidents’ Day” or even “George Washington’s Birthday” but only as “The third Monday in February.”

I imagine that one day children will ask their parents why the third Monday of February is such a special day, to which parents will answer “no one knows, sweetie, it’s a mystery lost to time…”

Anywho, any deadlines that would fall on today are extended to Tuesday, February 22, 2022.  Your humble blogger hopes that today is a day of rest for his beloved readers, and that instead of catching up on work, you are afforded an opportunity to celebrate, spend time with friends and family, and reflect on the rich heritage and history of the United States and the public-spirited nobility of its first President.

Till Wednesday, dear readers!

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