Psychologist Charged With Submitting False Bills

“Of course, Mr. Adjuster, I definitely performed those psychology services.  Here are my bills… PSYCH!”

For those not in the know, when your humble blogger was only knee high to the grasshopper, that’s how the kids would make false statements, and then immediately retract them.

Well, enough down memory lane, dear readers, this blog is all about the present (and sometimes the future).

Psychologist Pamlyn Kelly of Grass Valley is under investigation (not convicted of anything, mind you!) for submitting bills to insurance carriers for services never performed.

Does Dr. Pamlyn Kelly’s name appear on any of your bills?  Perhaps you’d like to wait to pay them until after the investigation, or perhaps, the prosecution, is concluded.  Additionally, if you have a claimant who received treatment from Dr. Kelly, it might make sense to send them copies of the itemized bills and ask if all services billed were actually provided.  That is, of course, if you and the applicant have a good relationship…

Have a good weekend, folks!

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