Home > Uncategorized > Marijuana Dispensary Fails to Carry Workers’ Comp; Security Guard Robbed Twice!

Marijuana Dispensary Fails to Carry Workers’ Comp; Security Guard Robbed Twice!

Your humble blogger has been told that, with the right drugs in one’s system, you can feel like you don’t need anything.  There are drugs to make you feel like you don’t need sleep.  There are drugs to make you feel like you don’t need food.  There are drugs that make you feel like you don’t need to do anything!  After all, like the old nursery rhyme goes:

“ABCD LSD, little bears are chasing me!”

Apparently, if you’re around marijuana enough, you don’t need to get workers’ compensation insurance, or so thought the proprietors of Green Cactus Collective Medical Marijuana Dispensary.

The two have been changed with multiple counts of felony insurance fraud for failing to carry workers compensation.  Apparently, their security guard was shot several times during a robbery, and they convinced him to lie to his doctors that he was a “volunteer” and not an employee.  While recovering from the gunshot wounds, he was brutally beaten with a gun during ANOTHER robbery, and incurred more injuries (and medical bills!)

As we’ve seen, workers’ compensation insurance can reject Marijuana, marijuana dispensaries cannot reject carrying workers’ compensation insurance for their employees.  Al Capone was nabbed on Tax Evasion.

Kids – put down the pipe, and get workers’ comp insurance instead.

Have a great weekend!

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